Daniel Cassius-Kirwan - Music Prodigy
Panpodium Interview with Daniel Cassius-Kirwan
PP: At what age did you start doing music?
DC-K: I started playing piano at 7 years old.
PP: When were you first introduced to the steelpan instrument?
DC-K: In June 2023 mummy had to take my brother, Jaylen, to a live show for his Bronze Arts Award assignment that he had to write a report for, so Aunty Lorraine told mummy about Pan Nation’s Blocko. I enjoyed the day and liked the songs, but I was not interested in playing at that time.
PP: Do you play any other musical instruments? If you do which ones?
DC-K: I play Guitar. I am going to do my Grade 1 exam in November or December 2024.
PP: What made you want to start playing steelpans?
DC-K: When mummy took Jaylen to his first lesson at Mangrove, in September 2023 and I went in their pan room. I went behind the 4 pan guitar and wanted to play.
Daniel playing with Ebony Youth at Steel The Show 2024.
PP: When did you start playing the steelpan?
DC-K: I had my first lesson in October 2023 when I was 8 years old. I was put on a tenor.
PP: What is the First steelband you played for?
DC-K: My very first practice was at Mangrove.
PP: You now play for Ebony Cubs and Youth Steelband Groups. How would you describe playing in both ensembles?
DC-K: It is very fun and it helped me to get better at pan in a short time. They made it easy to learn. Aunty Carlene and Marcus also taught us a little bit of music theory, so we can understand tones and semi-tones.
PP: What steelband competitions have you taken part in, if any?
DC-K: I have not done any competitions yet.
PP: What was the most challenging thing you have done to do with steelpans?
DC-K: The most challenging thing I've done would be doing playing fast runs on the 4 pan guitar. Also, playing at Opera Holland Park in August 2024, Steel the Show and Ebony Blocko was challenging because it was scary playing in front of an audience for the first time.
Ebony, CSO and New Generation Youth Steelbands playing at Opera House, Holland Park.
PP: What’s been the most inspirational moment in your musical life so far?
DC-K: My most inspirational moment has been performing with my older brother, Jaylen at Steel the Show, Opera Holland Park and Ebony Blocko and the audience cheering for us because of how well we done. Also, having the senior pan players recognise my talent.
Daniel playing with Ebony Youth at Ebony’s 2024 Blockorama.
PP: What do you think are the important qualities/skills that an individual must possess to perform in a steelband?
DC-K: Never show off, you need to listen properly, do not play when they are speaking, you need to focus and keep practicing. To improve your skill, you must practice your rolling all the time, know your chromatic and major scales, know where your notes are and get comfortable with your pan.
PP: What is your favourite steelpan to play and why?
DC-K: I have 2 favourite pans. I like the 3 and 4 pan guitars, because I like the solo's we get. I like the low sounds it makes, and I like moving between different pans. Doing the fast runs on the guitar pans are fun.
PP: Who are your inspirations both to do with steelpans and musically?
DC-K: My inspirations are Andrew, Quincy, Kishan, Aunty Hannah, Tanya and Mia from Mangrove, Aunty Carlene, Marcus and Jody from Ebony, my acoustic guitar teacher Baysu and my drum teacher Kenielle. Also, my big brother Jaylen, he’s very good at playing piano and has taught me some songs, he is on grade 4 and I am proud of him.
Daniel jamming at Ebony’s 2024 Blockorama.
PP: What is your vision for your future with the steelpan and Ebony steelband?
DC-K: I will 10 years old next year and I plan on playing with Mangrove in panorama 2025, so I am practicing hard on that now. I would like to help others learn steelpan. I would like to go to Trinidad and play with BP Renegades and Massy Trinidad All Stars. I would also like to learn on all the pans so I can understand how each work. I am currently not practicing with Ebony, but I would like to continue my friendships with everybody because they are all nice. I am now practicing with New Generation.
PP: What are your musical aspirations for the future?
DC-K: I would like to go back to learning drums again and I want to complete all my grade level exams in acoustic guitar, so I can start to learn how to play bass and electric guitar. I would also like to become a music teacher in steelpan and acoustic guitar. Mummy can be my first student, because she wants to learn how to play guitar. I would like to do GCSE music when I go to secondary school.
DC-K: I would like to thank everyone that has taught me and is helping me to get better. I want to thank my brother, Jaylen, because I started playing pan because of him and I want to thank mummy for taking us to practice every week and aunty Lorraine for telling mummy about Blocko 2023.
Thank you for interviewing me, Mr Robbie Joseph.
Daniel making sweet music.
"Pan is Life"- DC-K