Saffron performing with Pantonic Steel Orchestra
Saffron has been playing the steelpan instrument with the Pantonic Steel Orchestra for the past six (6) years taking a year break in between. She is their double seconds section leader and continues to inspire her team and the rest of the band with her enthusiasm and musicality.
Saffron found out about Pantonic steel orchestra from her primary school steel pan teacher. This interaction resulted in Saffron and her brother attending Pantonic beginner classes. She revealed that she adores the ambience and general atmosphere of the pan-yard as well as playing at gigs and has bonded so well with everyone in Pantonic that she regards them as family, which makes it that much better.
Saffron stated, ‘We have achieved 1st place (x2) at The One Hackney Carnival for 'Best Music on the Road', which is a great accomplishment, I would love to see Pantonic winning many awards and being known nationwide as an excellent steel band’.
Saffron regards music as one of her passions and has been told that she is, musically gifted’ She also plays the piano and guitar, which contributes to her pan playing technique as it helps with her timing and phrasing.
Currently she has no plans on pursuing a career in the music industry but would like to continue playing as adominant hobby. She declared that she does not have an exact musical inspiration as she appreciates all types of artists and genres.
Saffron stated that music would always be a huge part of her life. She professed that she listens and plays music daily. She has attained a grade 5 in piano and is equally proficient with the steelpan. She has played at multiple gigs with Pantonic as well as with other musical groups in different forums performing many piano pieces at events. She recognises that music is therapy and moves people. It helps connect people in ways that no other medium can. It pulls the heartstrings as well as acts as medicine.
Pan Podium salutes this young, talented and musically gifted musician who brings much joy and happiness to her audiences. Her love of music will see her continue spreading the steelpan gospel. She is the living example of Plato’s quote, “ Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything”.