Vanya ‘Pan Woman’ Reid - Music is my Life
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
The piano was her first instrument at age 5. Born in Tottenham, North London, she was captivated by the unique sound of the tenor pan coming from her primary school's assembly hall. She approached Clyde Dias, the pan tutor, and asked for his tuition. Vanya stated, 'I related to the pan just like the piano and picked it up very quickly.' She entered a lot of competitions and travelled to many places in and around the UK. In 1988, at age eleven she was introduced to Dennis Osbourne, the manager of the Eclipse Steel Orchestra by her mother who was a youth worker at the time.
In 1989, she officially joined Eclipse and played with them in their first Panorama. She stated 'I was really excited and coming from a school steel band to a big band was scary and also challenging.' With the guidance of Dennis and Kurt Jagdeo she began to establish herself and took on a bigger role in the band's music. At 15, she encouraged her school to buy some steel pans and did her GCSE music on pan composing her first two pieces of music, Iron Man and Brazil. She confirmed 'I knew then that I had a talent.'
Vanya playing for Eclipse Steel Orchestra
At 17, she became a section leader in the band and experimented with chords and tenor arrangements which were used once Kurt agreed. By 19, she was responsible for arranging all the band's gig songs and was having more of an impact on the Panorama music. She also acted as their Treasurer and continued being an arranger for Eclipse.
Vanya stated, 'Pan helped me to come off the streets and made me responsible and understanding towards other people. Vanya worked as a keyworker with young people at risk of social exclusion for Haringey and a lot of them are now playing for the band.'
In 2002, she played for Trinidad All Stars which was the best experience of playing pan in her life. She learnt the tune, 'Fire Storm' in three days and felt honoured to play with such a great band and to be asked by Leon 'Smooth' Edwards for her opinion on the music. She has also worked with Mark Williams, arranging for the Gladesmore Youth Steelband who won the Croydon Festival in 2001 and 2003.
Vanya playing with Southern Marines Steel Band
She taught in some schools in Haringey and conducted workshops during the holiday period.
Vanya composed a jazz piece entitled 'Phases' for the Pantasia steelband in the British Association of Steelbands' Pan Explosion 2003 competition and achieved second place even though it was the first time for Vanya and Pantasia. She stated, 'Phases was based on the different phases in my life. I like to listen to Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Stevie Wonder and Al Green. My music is based on jazz, soul and latin.'
As a member of the UK Women of Steel, Vanya played at the Hackney Fringe Festival held between 10th and 30th July 2011. The world-renowned Reggae Saxophonist, Ray Carless, organised the event for the Festival at Visions Video Bar in Dalston, London on 22nd July. Looking wonderful as always, Vanya got the crowd singing and swaying with popular the song, September. Her well executed playing on the Low C Tenor Pan was appreciated by all. Vanya also played ‘Silly Games’ on the night showing her excellent technique and cool improvisation. At the end, she stated that the love and support from the audience helped their performances and eased any butterflies and nerves. All the ladies looked confident and comfortable on the night.
The UK Women of Steel’s members on the night were Delphina ‘Panness’ James, Vanya ‘Pan Woman’ Reid, Carlene ‘Sweet Wrists’ Etienne and their mentor, Debra ‘Pan Diva’ Romain-Eden.
Vanya, Carlene ’Sweet Wrists’ Etienne and Debra ‘Pan Diva’ Romain Eden - UK Women of Steel
Vanya claims to be the only person other than Duvone Stewart to play the G tenor in Renegades Steel Orchestra and has also done a pan movie with them which was all about the band and what it feels like especially when you hit the stage in the ‘Big Yard’, Queens Park Savannah. Vanya’s exposure continued when she got to open Marchel Montano’s 2016 concert with Dane Gulston and Yohann Chuckaree which she found awe inspiring.
She confessed that most years she played with eight (8) steelbands in the Trinidad and Tobago National Panorama competitions ranging from Single Pan, Small, Medium and Large conventional steelbands. She has performed in 2002 with Trinidad All Stars which was a totally different experience to the UK Panorama. After that experience, she performed with Phase II Pan Groovea and Skiffle Bunch. She spent several years at Silver Stars and is now with Renegades. She also played with Ken ‘Professor’ Philmore at Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille where she had so much fun. She also performed with Tamana Pioneers with Andre White. The Small Bands she played with included Cresendos and Southern Marines. She also performed with several Single Pan Bands. Renegades Steel Orchestra is now her resident Trinidad band but her musical thirst wants her to visit other countries to perform in their National Steelband Panorama competitions to widen her knowledge and experiences. Check out Vanya’s Renegades interview -
Vanya practicing in Renegades Panyard.
Vanya’s abilities know no bounds and with a little encouragement from fellow peers, Jamal Glynn and Navina Muttusala, she is currently studying music therapy using her steel pan. Her dream is to be the first to use the steelpan as music therapy in the NHS mainstream hospitals once qualified. She is also starting her own programmes within the community working with women who have suffered domestic violence and will also be doing work in children hospices and families in their own settings. She stated, ‘It’s great work!!’
Vanya has been playing the steel pan for over thirty-three (33) years of her life. Did stage side songs for Eclipse Steel Orchestra, Mangrove Steel Band and Ebony Steel Band. Taught steel pan classes in both Mangrove and Ebony. Won the British Association of Steelbands’ Pan Explosion competition with Ebony and came second with Mangrove and Pantasia. She also played with Metronomes Steel Orchestra when Ken ‘Professor’ Philmore was their musical arranger and was highly influenced by Clive Bradley’s music as she grew up listening to his panorama compositions.
Vanya stated, ‘Music heals the heart and the soul especially steel pan music. They are amazed by it’s beautiful sound.’
Vanya with her Ebony Steel Band Crew at the BAS Awards
Vanya loves playing the Tenor and Double Seconds including the C, A and G pan fourth and fifths. She has played other pans for example seven, nine and tenor bass, three pan and guitar pan. She stated, ‘My love for steel pan has taken me far and wide of which I will always look back as a great achievement in my life.’
She stated, ‘Next year I’m going to play with Pan Nation Steel Orchestra for the UK National Steelband Panorama 2020. Chris Storey, their founder and arranger is my brother from another mother. We love a good jamming session back in the days. I would play his electric piano whilst he would solo on his pan. I have so much time for him. He is a wonderful person.’
Vanya envisions pan being more established in schools. She said, 'The Steelpan is now more accepted as an instrument and part of the national curriculum. It is turning our young people into confident and bright individuals.' She plans to release an album of Jazz, Soul and Latin using the piano and pan and extends her gratitude to Kurt Jagdeo for her success. Pan Podium believes that the halls of stardom beckon this highly talented and gifted young musician.
Vanya at BAS Awards.
Vanya with Southern Marines.
Vanya with Duvone Stewart at Notting Hill Carnival.
Pan Woman
Vanya in Mangrove
Vanya Playing in Mangrove Steelband
Vanya with Debra ‘Pan Diva’ Eden
Carnival Time!
Tara Baptiste, Vanya and Paul Dowie
Wendy, Vanya, Sophie and Jenny