Everold Ribeiro- John - X-klu-sive Arts with a Difference.
Everold Ribeiro-John
At the age of eight Everold started showing great interest in drawing, in fact at that time he started drawing cartoon characters like Super Man, Batman, Space Goose, Ghost Buster and Pink Panther to name a few. The appreciation and commendations he received from his school mates encouraged him to start selling his drawings to them. He progressed so quickly that he created a book which also drew great attention and demand so Everold gave his full attention to producing books of his drawings.
Little did he realised that this was the beginning of his creative talents which would lead him to a career in graphic arts. Everold attended the Mucurapo Junior Secondary where he was very successful (‘went over the wall’, as will be said in Trinidad). His educational journey saw him progress to the Mucurapo Senior Secondary where he took Art as a subject. He graduated with a Grade 2 in Art and immediately enrolled in a new skills program initiated by the Trinidad and Tobago Government entitled Y.T.E.P.P. He took Graphic Arts on that program and linked up with a good friend by the name of Gregory Mitchell.
Sweet Sounds of Steel
Everold thirst for education in the Arts saw him enrolled on an entrepreneurship course for three months. Following his attendance on that course Gregory and Everold were approached by a gentleman to start a textile graphics business called Street Wears. They both put a lot of dedication and efforts into making it a success but in the end, they were the losers as he stated, ‘we were robbed’.
After that horrible experience Everold started doing his own thing for about a year or two before Gregory suggested that their friend Curtis and Everold start their own business, X-klu-sive Arts was born. Not long after Curtis left the business and Gregory sadly passed away, so Everold legally register the name X-klu-sive Arts and is still operating today.
Steelband instruments
X-klu-sive Arts is a company engaged in the provision of Designs and Supply of Art or Art work, in the form of logos, drawings and or designs for the use of air brushed paintings and signage services for the Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Sectors of the Trinidad and Tobago.
X-klu-sive Arts is embodied by a whole wealth of painting knowledge and talent with flair. We at x-klu-sive Arts bring with us an added zest for life, it's uplifting Art, celebrating life itself. X-klu-sive Arts promises to bring a new age on art / painting, featuring Air brushing, Signs, Banners, Customized T-shirt, Customized Bed Rooms, Interior / Exterior Designs and Paintings, Temporary Tattoos / Body Art with a radical difference from 32 years of experience in the professional field.
Woman of Steel.
Interested in Everold’s art work then please contact him @ xklusivearts@gmail.com. This very skilled artist has so much to offer with his vision and your commission you could both make history.