Pan In The 21st Century and Down Memory Lane 2023
Pan In The 21st Century and Down Memory Lane 2023
Beautiful Music Connecting The World
Pan Trinbago presents Pan In The 21st Century & Down Memory Lane 2023
Twenty-four (24) top bands: twelve (12) from Down Memory Lane and twelve (12) from the Pan In The 21st Century Competitions, in order of merit, will qualify for the FINALS to be held on one night - SATURDAY JUNE 3RD, 2023 at the Grand Stand, Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain from 6.00 p.m.
Tickets Cost: General: $200.00 Reserved: $400.00 Special Reserved: $500.00
Available via:
Island E-Tickets • https://islandetickets.com/event/pantrinbago