Augustus “Gusy” Peters - Always Striving for Excellence!
Steelpan Tuner, Constructor and Panist!
Augustus Peters first became involved with the steel pan in 2002 when he started playing at his church on La Canoa Rd, Lower Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago and at the San Juan North Secondary High School where he served as their band captain. In 2004, he began a steelpan construction and tuning course, which was hosted by the Pan in Schools Coordinating Council and supervised by veteran pan tuner, Jim Phillip. In 2005, Augustus enrolled in another steelpan construction and tuning course at Trinidad and Tobago Instruments Limited (now known as Panland Trinidad and Tobago) where he was trained by the workers as well as head tuner, Mario Joseph.
Gus and Toussaint Clarke
After undertaking the steelpan tuning/construction course for a year and a half at Panland, Augustus was offered a job as a tuner and worked there until 2008 when he resigned from Panland to fulfil his dream of starting his own business. While beginning to branch out on his own, he tuned pans for Simon’s Musical, Gill’s Pan Shop and various other tuners and businesses in Trinidad and Tobago.
Gus and Pantrinbago’s President - Beverley Ramsey Moore.
In July 2010, Augustus graduated on top of his class from the advanced steelpan tuning course offered by the University of Trinidad and Tobago with an A+. In this course, he had the privilege of being supervised and taught by some of the world’s greatest tuners including Clifford “Rope” Alfred, Lenard “Lenny” Leera, Reynold “Tony Slater” Gilles, Bertie Marshall and Bertram “Butch” Kelman.
UK Pan Tuners Guild with Visiting Tuners including Gus and Birch.
Augustus has tuned pans for many steelbands including United Sounds Steelband, Nostrand Symphony, Potential Symphony, Tokyo Steel Orchestra, Codrington Pan Family, Febeau Pan Giants and CSI and Mangrove (UK). He has also worked professionally with renowned tuners Reynold “Tony Slater” Gilles, and Dr Betram “Butch” Kelman. In 2011, on the occasion of the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton, The Government of Trinidad and Tobago offered the royal couple a gift of a tenor pan which was tuned and inspected by Augustus ‘Gusy’Peters. This pan was made by his good friend and fellow graduate from the advance steelpan course Sheldon Bess.
Gus with the UK Steelpan Tuners Guild.
Augustus currently owns and operates his own pan manufacturing business, Augustus Peters Steel Pans (APS), where he produces instruments of superb quality for musicians and steelbands locally and overseas.
APS Logo
Pan Podium acknowledges the trials and tribulations endured by Augustus on his journey to become an established pan tuner as well as an accomplished pannist. His determination, dedication, commitment and conviction to his artform has certainly seen him reaping the rewards of his laborius efforts. Keep reaching for the skies Gusy!