The Arrangers Corner - A platform for sharing and developing the steelpan art form!
The Arrangers Corner was born out of a conversation between Andre White and Sheldon Thwaites as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. Restrictions on live performances saw this young and talented duo put on their thinking cap to innovate and start thinking outside the box to create something that would have a positive effect and make an impact on the lives of musicians globally who were also experiencing the same issues with the global lock down.
Straight after Trinidad and Tobago National Steelband Panorama 2020, the dynamic duo was discussing certain musical arrangements played at that competition and the different approaches that the arrangers took as they would normally do after the competition to wider their knowledge and broaden their musical horizons.
After their conversation, Andre started to wonder and question himself whether other arrangers hear and conceptualize the musical renditions played at the T&T National Steelband competition in the same way as they did. His curiosity around what did other arrangers and musicians did or thought about the different musical concepts being implemented and utilised to get the best performance from their bands.
Andre White with UK 2019 Panorama Champions Mangrove
His thoughts went wild as his inquisitive mind started working laboriously. He wondered what approach did arrangers adopt when approaching a panorama tune, did they gauge their players dexterity with the instrument to decide how complicated their arrangements could be to achieve the best results or would they just create the musical piece and hope that with intense drilling the players will be able to execute. What were the thought processes of other arrangers to achieve the ultimate goal?
These thoughts triggered his imagination and the idea of creating a digital discussion platform during this Covid 19 era was born. He figured that it would be a good idea to give people more of a better understanding as to the concepts involved and what to really listen in for as well as to gain the perspectives of other musical stalwarts in the steelpan fraternity. Especially during this time of isolation, self-reflection, and preservation during this pandemic.
Sheldon Thwaites performing on stage.
As a result, Arrangers Corner has so far had the pleasure and opportunity to host some of the world’s renowned arrangers in the likes the notable Ray Holman, Amrit Samaroo, Leon Foster Thomas, Andy Narell, Michelle Huggins-Watts, Duvone Stewart and Annise Hadeed. These seasoned arrangers have certainly contributed a wealth of information, ideas and experiences that will benefit everyone involved in the artform.
Not resting on their laurels, Andre and Sheldon have decided to start their next series which focuses more on the "Performing Artiste" of the steelpan industry and gain insight as to the business and performing aspects/techniques of becoming a professional pannist successfully. The first in this series of online workshops began on the 8th of October 2020 @ 5pm EST with weekly workshops being hosted every Thursday at the same time until the 17th December 2020.
Do not miss out on these knowledgeable and informative sessions. Log in and enjoy the wealth of musical information on offer.